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FAA Level 1 Award in Awareness of Safeguarding


This qualification is suitable for all persons and will provide an understanding of safeguarding which can be used in a workplace, activity group or any instance where a person comes into contact with children or adults at risk. The qualification provides learners with the knowledge to identify a safeguarding concern, record a disclosure and report to the appropriate person.

Course Duration

The minimum classroom contact time of 4 hours should be delivered over a minimum of half a day.

Course Content

• Safeguarding legislation and guidance • Roles and responsibilities
• Abuse and neglect
• Identifying concerns and disclosure

• Making judgements
• Reporting safeguarding concerns

Course Cost

The cost of this course is £50 + VAT per person.

On-site or In-House courses

If your organisation has several employees wishing to train and qualify in First Aid then why not contemplate an onsite course.

At Paragon Training we are able to provide training at your premises, at a time and date to suit your requirements.

If your organisation requires a number of courses, we can offer you a competitive corporate rate discount. 

The qualification is assessed by a written assessment including open and multiple-choice questions. A learner must successfully pass the written assessment to achieve the qualification.

*A minimum of 4 and maximum of 12 people for this course to run.

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